Agile Universal Solver
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Previous Page Project ID:3000017/RED_ID:3000017
1. Difference of two means, determine if two random variables are significantly different (equal variances).

Instructions: Please enter numbers (e.g., 23, 23, 234, 321) with the same delimit (space or semicolon or comma).

Your Title:
Variable 1
Variable 2
---------Computed Result below--------
(Press "Compute" again after changing data/units)
V1 mean
V1 data No
V2 mean
V2 data No
Degree of Freedom
t value
Previous Page Rec_ID: 3000018
2. Difference of two means, determine if two random variables are significantly different (Unequal variances).

Instructions: Please enter numbers (e.g., 23 23 234 321) with the same delimit (space or semicolon or comma).

Your Title:
Variable 1
Variable 2
---------Computed Result below--------
(Press "Compute" again after changing data/units)
V1 mean
V1 data No
V2 mean
V2 data No
Degree of Freedom
t value
Project (ID: 3000017) was provided by Igoosa, and verified on June 31, 2007.
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Type in data, select right units, and click on "Compute" to get result.

You may use any of (+, -, *, /, (, ), ^, sin, cos, log, ln, tan, tag, sqrt, e). For example, you may type 10^(-5), sin(39), log60, (3-4*5)/5, and 1*10^5. NO SPACE IS ALLOWED WITHIN ONE DATA POINT. Data delimit between two data points my be "," ";" or space.

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